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How A Personal Home Care Provider Can Ensure A Healthy Eating Experience For Your Aging Loved One

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When an aging senior is no longer able to live alone without some type of assistance, it can be devastating for them and their families. They want to stay in a place they are familiar with and comfortable. That place is their home. In many situations, personal home care services can help them stay in familiar surroundings, but one concern is ensuring a healthy diet when they are alone much of the time. Here are some suggestions for safe and healthy meal preparation so seniors can stay longer in their homes.

No place like home   

Growing older has many challenges. One of the biggest is realizing that they can no longer manage to live in their home without some level of assistance. Most seniors would prefer to remain in their homes as long as possible. They feel comfortable and safe in familiar surroundings and near familiar places and friends. No matter what level of care they need, a personal home care assistant may be the perfect solution.

Personal home care services can help with housecleaning, shopping, running errands, trips to the doctor, medical assistance, and simple companionship. One area where support is especially helpful is ensuring a healthy diet.

Safety in the kitchen

Many older adults enjoy making their own meals, and if they are able, that shouldn't be denied, but it's important to ensure that they remain safe while doing so. If they suffer from decreased mental or physical capabilities that might create dangers such as leaving a burner on or harming themselves with sharp utensils, it's important that they have supervision during meal preparation.

There are other ways that kitchens and meal preparation can be made easier and safer for older adults. For example:

  • Store cookware and commonly used food items in places that don't require reaching.
  • In cupboards, use lazy Susans or pull-out drawers for easy access.
  • As much as possible, arrange the kitchen to allow wheelchair or walker access.
  • Provide a meal preparation surface that is waist-high or reachable from a wheelchair.
  • Provide helpful kitchen gadgets that are easy to access and use.
  • Make sure the kitchen is stocked with healthy food items. 

Preplanning and meal preparation

To ensure a healthy diet, home care assistants can prepare and store nutritious meals that are easy to heat and serve. Also, ensure there are plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables that can be eaten with little or no preparation.

Personal home care providers from a reputable company will have knowledge of healthy diets and can provide a variety of nutritious meals that match the senior's food preferences. 

Depending on the older adult's abilities and preferences, the meals can be microwaveable or easy to go from freezer to table. However, if the person prefers not to bother with food preparation at all, the personal home care provider can perform any and all tasks related to providing a delicious and nutritious diet for him or her.

Find out more about personal home care.
