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In-Home Health Assistance For Chronic Pain Patients

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Chronic pain affects people differently. For some individuals, chronic pain is merely a nuisance that can be well-managed with over-the-counter pain medication, however, for others, chronic pain is debilitating. If you suffer from debilitating chronic pain, consider in-home health assistance. Here are some interventions and benefits a professional home care provider can offer to help enhance your life.

Exercise Interventions 

Your chronic pain may make movement difficult, however, exercising can help keep you more comfortable. It helps promote optimal blood flow to painful areas and it can also help prevent depression and sleep problems that are not uncommon in people suffering from chronic pain. Your home care provider can assist you with ambulation, accompany you on walks, and assist you with your physical therapy exercises in accordance with both your doctor's and physical therapist's recommendations.

While vigorous or strenuous exercising may actually worsen your chronic pain, mild low-impact aerobic exercise can be highly beneficial. Exercise can help decrease systemic and local inflammation and promote joint flexibility, which is important for chronic pain sufferers with degenerative bone disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Your home care provider will also monitor the effects of your exercise sessions and report their findings to your primary care physician as warranted.

Daily Activities And Medication Management

If your chronic pain prevents you from performing your activities of daily living, such as bathing and dressing, then your in-home health care provider can help. If you are in pain or feeling weak, they will offer you standby assistance during your bath or shower to help prevent falls. If you are unable to take a bath or shower because of severe pain, your home care provider can give you a bed bath. They can also help you get dressed, comb your hair, and assist you with your oral hygiene needs.

Maintaining good hygiene is important because neglecting routine hygiene tasks can increase your risk for skin disorders and even bacterial infections. Your in-home health caregiver can also help you manage your medications. If you are unable to open your pill bottles or if you have trouble holding a glass of water, the caregiver will assist you.

If you experience chronic pain and are unable to manage your care, consider hiring a professional home care provider. Doing so will help ensure that your pain is being well-managed and it may enhance the quality of your life so that you can be more active and hopeful for a brighter future.

Contact a local in-home health care service to learn more. 
